Czech Post

Czech Post

Czech Republic

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    Czech Post (Česká pošta) is the national postal operator of the Czech Republic, providing services for package shipping and delivery on the territory of the Czech Republic and abroad.

    In addition to standard delivery, it is engaged in courier last-mile delivery.

    As a member of the EMS global union, Czech Post is the designated operator for the delivery of EMS products.

    Czech Post tracking packages and shipments
    Czech Post sends and delivers hundreds of parcels daily. If you count all the local branches it will be much more. From this, you may conclude that the company is experienced and professional in this domain. Because the service is very requested and e-commerce has also taken over the world Czech Post takes the tracking system seriously making sure 100% of the deliveries reach their destination.

    To track packages and shipments you need to have a tracking number that is usually assigned to each registered parcel.

    The tracking number can be found on the paper receipt or in the email somewhere in your confirmation letter.

    You use a tracking platform like Alltracking to find out where the parcel is and what status it has.

    What you have to do is enter our Alltracking website, click on the Track and Trace button on the upper panel, paste/type your tracking number in the tracker field and press the button.

    The powerful parcel tracking system we have can be reached from any corner of the world at all times - 24/7.

    Make sure you have your accurate Czech Post tracking information – check all the numbers and letters for the absence of mistakes as they can deny you access to the information.

    When any customer wants to track packages and shipments the steps to take are standard.

    You cannot go wrong even if you do not know what to do. Just follow all the instructions and you will eventually get there. The information will be delivered to you in just one click.

    Alltracking online system that is a part of the universal e-system that can identify any tracking number from any logistics company.

    It is easy to track Czech Post packages and shipments and you will get to see it for yourself.

    What do I need to enter to track the parcel?

    Tracking a parcel is just a few clicks away from a customer. The key element is a tracking number that Czech Post assigns to all the parcels that go abroad is a unique combination of letters and numbers for personal use only.

    Alltracking is a secured trust-worthy platform with all the information that you request to have. The updates that you need to know and the status that you have to see to understand where the shipment has landed, what hub the delivery company is using and what is the estimated time of the delivery.

    Our online tracking platform is a guaranteed way for the latest updated information to appear on your screen.

    The main page will tell you everything you need to know to get the information you need. The upper panel menu will give you a clear understanding of where to need to get. The Track and Trace section on the upper panel will take you to the tracker panel.

    Your tracking number is all you will need to find out where your parcel is and what status it has. The displayed information is updated daily.

    The tracking source is available to us all the time, which is why Alltracking monitors all the changes and shows them immediately.

    In case you have a problem accessing any of the pages on our website, contact our Customer Service team for clarification of this situation. If you want to track the parcel on the Alltracking website but have many questions, do the same.

    Remember that your tracking number has to be with you at all times. It is the most important element of the search. When you decide to visit Alltracking, do not forget to find your receipt with the tracking code.

    Alltracking website is straightforward. There is a section named Track and Trace that you need to click on.

    The information we have on the Track and Trace web page will ask you to introduce your Czech Post's tracking number that you must have on your receipt or in your email

    Use it carefully to identify where your parcel is and what status it has.

    Please remember that the parcel status automatically changes when the package is headed to another location.

    For those customers who do not know where to find the tracking number, try to remember the method of payment you performed. If you have a receipt, consider finding the number on it. You can also find the Czech Post's number in your email.

    For example, the parcel can be: either in transit, delayed, or stuck at customs. This tracking number is the secret combination of letters and digits given to you to receive so much wanted notification related to your parcel.

    What does one need to do with these details?

    Usually, this helps the customers to understand when to expect the package and what barriers it may have on the way to the destination.

    Can Czech Post tracking numbers be found in the global tracking system?

    Czech Post is a part of the global post union that shares the data via e-sources. This is how our inline tracking platform can monitor all the changes that take place during the day and immediately displays them for the customers to see.

    Czech Post is fast in the data processing. The company understands how customers are anticipating their orders and makes it super easy to check the parcels out for information online. Dealing with tracking companies like Alltracking is a bonus as our platform is speedy and the clients get the information displayed with the speed of light.

    It is quite simple to track and trace your parcel with the help of a tracking platform like Alltracking.

    Alltracking and Czech Post virtually cooperate to give you the details on your packages and shipments and update you with the most recent changes.

    You will just need a tracking number and every little detail we have on your shipment will be shown to you on your screen. Get to the Track and Trace section to be offered the package-related information.

    Tracking can be done at any time and from anywhere, and there will always be some information about your package available.

    How can I find out where my package is?

    Alltracking allows to find the parcel on the website having just a tracking number.

    The service on our website gives customers a secure possibility to see where the package or shipment is in real time.

    The hub and the status of the parcel will be shown introducing the Czech Post's tracking number.

    In the case of non-disclosure, when the details about the parcel are not shown, consider contacting a Czech Post's Customer Service representative for additional information.

    If the parcel is still missing after a few days, give the Customer Service team the tracking information you have and wait for the investigation.

    Alltracking is the website that provides all the necessary information immediately. Remember that you are just one click away from the shipment information you request. Get the code from your receipt whether it is saved in a paper form or your email, enter it into the panel, and click the button.

    Highly professional and strictly confidential – these are the right words to describe the Alltracking system as a part of the global tracking platform.

    If you want to know when to expect the parcel and the estimated delivery time, you can easily find it with the help of Alltracking.

    Alltracking is an ideal information-detecting method for parcel and shipment identification which is available to those presenting the tracking code.

    Do not keep yourself away from the details we own on your parcel.

    What do I need to do to find the parcel on the Alltracking website?

    Alltracking is one of the most customer-friendly websites you can find. All the information we store for you can be easily accessed. Each page can be navigated without any problems.

    Our website is created in a way that many people with zero idea how to use it could still do it.

    The routine is effortless and does not require any step that customers may consider complicated.

    As Alltracking is a tracking platform for customers supported by the global post industry, the information the system processes is being spread with lightning speed.

    Performing 3 easy steps usually gets the customer where they need to get.

    What do you need to do to get the information from Alltracking?

    First of all, one has to get the identification number (a unique code) written on the receipt, received upon the payment process.

    Secondly, you have to introduce the special combination of letters and digits into the field, entering the “Track and Trace” department on the upper panel

    When this step is performed, click the “track” button to finalize the process.

    Then you will get access to the data and check the status of the parcel and know the way to monitor the changes whenever you need to check the details.

    Usually, the website will show you the hub where the parcel or shipment is at.

    If you have zero information displayed or the information has not been updated for a long period, consider contacting the Customer Service team.

    What is a tracking number – Czech Post?

    The tracking number is a numeric and alphabetic code that is assigned to every parcel that needs to be delivered abroad.

    It is known to be an individual combination of letters and numbers given to each separate parcel that leaves the Czech Republic.

    The tracking number consists of 13 characters - 2 letters in the front, 9 numbers in the middle, and 2 letters at the end of the row that stands for Czech Republic – CZ.

    * A tracking number is a unique ID number or code assigned to a package or parcel that can be found on the paper receipt upon the payment process or in the email of the customer upon the confirmation.

    Czech Post Number Formats

    Czech Post has a standard number format that can be easily tracked on any online tracking platform. International shipments and packages are always assigned a tracking number, so you will get one with Czech Post too.

    Some of the small packages requested for domestic delivery may not have them but this is not a typical situation.

    A standard tracking number consists of 2 letters, 9 digits, and CZ at the end – which stands for the Czech Republic. 

    In the structure of the tracking number, under the international UPU (Universal Postal Union) format, letters and numbers have a semantic meaning:

    The first letter R / C / E - indicates the type of departure. The tracking number of the Czech Post, starting with the letter R (Registered), is assigned to registered small packages;

    123456785 - this digital series ensures the uniqueness of the number; CZ - indicates the country of the postal service.

    What does the Czech Post tracking number look like?

    Czech Post always assigns a tracking number to EMS shipments and parcels. Small packages may be unregistered and go without a tracking number.

    The track number of the Czech Post has the same form and consists of 13 characters:

    For small packages weighing up to 2 kg – Rx123456785CZ;

    For parcels weighing from 2 to 20 kg – Cx123456785CZ;

    For EMS shipments - Ex123456785CZ.

    The “Track and Trace” button on the upper panel is where you need to get when you want to find your package on our website.

    AllTracking system is integrated with the global parcel tracking service that can track any goods you send via post from or to Czech Republic so when you enter the “Track and Trace” page we will ask you to introduce the unique combination of digits and letters that you have printed on your receipt or confirmation letter in your email.

    Then enter the given code into the field and click Track button.

    The next thing you know the informaton regarding your package or shipment will be displayed on your screen.

    Whether you have any difficulties entering the code or other questions left, feel free to contact our Customer Service team for clarifications. But first check if you introduced all the tracking code digits correctly.

    Czech Post will make sure the delivery reaches the destination in 99% of the cases. But cannot omit the 1% that does, unfortunately, happen.

    Alltracking will let you check your packages and shipment status as much as you want. There is no time or entry limit.

    If you want to know where exactly your package is traveling to at the moment, enter the Alltracking website and see the upper panel on the main page. The Track and Trace button is what you are looking for.

    The page will direct you to the tracker field that you have to use to get the information you request.

    The postal tracker field that you use to introduce the tracking number shown on your receipt will help you to trace the parcel.

    The package information will include the time and date, the hub, and the status.If you happen to not see any information or you cannot see any progress for days, consider contacting the Customer Service team for further instructions.Do not hesitate to use Customer Service assistance, provided by Czech Post in case you have doubts about any delay that takes longer than average.

    But before you start to complain please wait to make sure the parcel is not just being delayed and got lost on the way.

    There can be several issues with it and here are some examples:

    - Issues with the delivery address may occur. This is one of the most common reasons why the parcel information is not updated. Wait for further instructions as they will appear once the company asks you to clarify the location.

    - The packages and shipments may not have reached the hub just yet. This means sometimes they are at the stage where the information simply cannot be displayed yet. Here you would also have to wait for the latest parcel news to be updated.

    We do not exclude the lost parcel case but Czech Post takes really good care of their shipments.

    Just so you know, in the worst situation that your parcel is lost, you still have the company's Customer Service team to assist you.

    In case of a lost package, you would have to contact Customer Service representatives for confirmation and further instructions.

    If this ever happens to you, please know that the company will refund you for the lost parcel if the reasons are objective.

    Do not hesitate to ask for additional information if you need it. If you have doubts you are entitled to receive the answers you seek to find.

    The “Track and Trace” system is easily understandable.

    Every step of the way is monitored and displayed for your convenience by a team of professionals who update the information with its changes.

    You see these notifications immediately.

    Track and Trace by Czech Post

    There is a separate page on the Alltracking website where you can check your parcel status. The Track and Trace button will take you directly there.

    Alltracking website has an upper panel on the main page that will direct you to where you need to get.

    Once you see Track and Trace button – click on it and get ready to be redirected to the page where you need to enter the tracking code.

    If you do not know your tracking number, you can ask for it in the online store where you purchased the goods.

    The tracking number will lead you to the information that you need to know.

    If you think that Track and Trace section will not answer all your questions, consider contacting the Customer Service team.

    If customers cannot track the package for a really long time (and we recommend to wait a week for the updated information to appear in the database).

    If you waited enough and still cannot track it please contact Customer Support team for an investigation.

    Be sure that the Customer Support representatives always jump in to offer an advice, a solution or a compensation when it is the case. Don’t rush their researches and investigations. They will get back to you as soon as they have a reply for you.

    At times when the customer cannot track the parcel online, there is a problem with it. It can be an insignificant delay or it can be a serious issue. The only way to find out to to ask the company directly what the parcel cannot be tracked.

    Please also note that sometimes it happens that the customer is not attentive enough with the tracking number details.

    Check for no mistakes to be made while entering the number before you panic.

    In every othr case that you find suspicious, contact the Customer Support team.

    Whether it is stuck in customers, lost, damaged, or ended up at the wrong address – the customer needs to know.

    Usually, before this is officially announced, the information on the website is frozen. It disappears for a while and the customer keeps wondering where it may be.

    It can also happen that the system may not show you all the information at once. It can also happen that the information you expect so much to see is not shown on the screen. Being the most influential post service company in the Czech Republic makes Czech Post responsible for great service and customer satisfaction.

    Even though the company never fails to do its job well but on the rarest occasion delays and lost items can be the reason for an investigation.

    Before you find out the real reason why you cannot track or get updated information on your package or shipment, please wait for things to change. We assure you that the delivery company is doing everything they can to get the package delivered to the destination.

    We strongly recommend you not panic if your package has not reached the final point yet.

    In 99% of the cases it got delayed somewhere and as soon as something changes, the updates will be shown on the Alltracking website.

    If the delivery status of your package remains unclear, be sure to inform the Customer Service team and ask your questions to receive answers.

    You would have to start an official claim and write down all the details you have – the tracking number is extremely important to have. Sometimes the company may also ask you what the package consists of and how valuable the items are.

    Then they will check the address with you and make sure all the information coincides. Their system will update you with the information received from the distribution center.

    If the package was not retained in one of our distribution centers the Customer Service team will continue the search to find out where things went wrong.

    The investigation may take some time. Give it as much patience as you can. The company will come up with a solution even if the worst scenario is when the parcel is damaged or lost.

    Czech Post cares about anyone who buys the services from the company. Whether you have a heavy-weighting box or a small tiny packet, it does not matter. It has equal priority for the company.

    If you are not happy or have any doubts about your package ever showing up, contact Customer Service representatives and ask to raise a claim.

    You can easily address any claims in case you have them to the company. In most cases, if Czech Post is found responsible after completing the claim procedure, you are eligible for compensation for your loss or damage if it was drastic.
    Usuallly, these claims are accepted via post in a letter using the address found on the official website.If you have any suggestions that you want to send via email or through the official website you can also do it.

    Czech Post has a great Service team that is capable of sorting out dozens of requests daily.

    If you contact the company directly, you also have a high chance of making your claim a priority.

    In case your item is lost or damaged the company usually pays 100% of the damage.

    If the postage charged exceeds the postage specified in the Price List, the service user shall be reimbursed for the amount overpaid.

    If you have a claim regarding the deadline for transport and delivery of the priority mail, the company will only give back some of the money involved in the process.

    If you have any other claims at all please do not hesitate to contact a Customer Service team representative and discuss your options. Explain the situation but do not forget to use your tracking number. The tracking number is the key element in every discussion with the Customer Service team. This is how they can help you, track your parcel down, and refund you.

    Ground information about Czech Post

    Czech Post is the state-owned postal company of the Czech Republic. With its headquarters in the capital city, Prague, the corporation has around 31,000 employees.

    Czech Post primarily serves the Czech Republic but also delivers to other countries.

    Branches and locations

    Under the scope of the Directorate-General, there are currently seven branches and 11 SPUs in these regions:

    - Central Bohemia
     - South Bohemia
     - West Bohemia
     - Northern Bohemia
     - East Bohemia
     - South Moravia
     -Northern Moravia

    The History of Czech Post

    Česká pošta was established on 1 January 1993, on the Dissolution of Czechoslovakia, separated from the Slovak postal service, as well as from Cesky Telecom.

    In 1993 implementation of the APOST automatic postal system began and since then the postal services have significantly raised their potential and professionalism.

    Years of hard work and millions of parcels and letters sent abroad have taught the company to deal with multiple tasks and perform all the duties on the highest level.

    The next significant day for Czech Post was on 22 November 2006 the Supervisory Board discussed a proposal to convert Česká pošta into a limited company.

    Martin Elkán became the new CEO of Česká pošta in June 2014. In July 2014, Elkán announced a plan to franchise approximately 200 smaller post offices within the Czech Republic, with 49 franchises already in operation.

    Interesting facts about Czech Post

    - In March 2012, legislation was passed to remove the last monopoly from the service, exclusive delivery of items under 50 grams. This legislation came into effect in January 2013.

    - Two types of general prohibitions and restrictions are common in the Czech Republic: by weight and size and by content. The official website of the Czech Post has all the necessary information. Available types of shipments, as well as possible restrictions on the transfer of goods, also depend on the country of the recipient.

    Czech Post Customer Service:

    Telephone number: + 420 954 292 103

    Email: [email protected].

    • open_in_new

      Official website
    • phone

      Provider’s phone number

      + 420 954 292 103
    • support_agent

      File a claim or find a package

      Email: [email protected]

      All claims are accepted by the company in the written form. Please send the claims to the company's official email address. Also use the link to make a claim on the company's website:

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