City Link

City Link

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    City-Link is a growing logistics and courier industry enterprise in Asia.

    City Link is a company with more than 30 years of experience in the market, but in recent years it has become popular everywhere.

    City Link-Express is an example of the brand's expansion into the world's most profitable markets.

    City-Link Express tracking packages and shipments

    City-Link Express will take good care of your package or shipment. With City-Link you can always make sure the package is safe and the company takes good care of it.

    As many already know, City-Link is a reliable postal and logistics service with loyal customers all over the world.

    The company has been offering delivery services for quite some time now and the main advantage of the service by City-Link is that the enterprise can practically suit every customer’s needs.

    The clients are aware that City-Link Express is a reliable and trustworthy express delivery service company with many great options to choose from.

    The tracking system the company owns was created and developed to prevent shipments and packages from being lost. The tracking numbers the company assigns can be tracked anywhere in the world and the system numbers are a part of the global tracking system which is universally accepted.

    In this case, the tracking number is the only solution the postal companies could think of. The tracking number is helpful in the detection of parcels that leave the country and take longer than expected. And even in the case when everything goes smoothly it is still convenient to be able to track a package down when you want to know where it is.

    The easiest way to do it is to get on the Alltracking website which was specially created for customers to track and trace their goods.

    Alltracking is rather simple when you enter it for the first time. It will provide all the existing information regarding the upcoming delivery which is kept in the global database easily accessed by companies like ours.

    With the service is less complicated because no need to log in or enter any personal information about your package as the platform has a built-in automatic recognition system that determines which courier your tracking number belongs to.

    The information you want to receive then will be automatically displayed on your screen.

    You will get the location and the status of your parcel immediately not needing to take any difficult steps.

    What do I need to enter to track the parcel?

    Alltracking makes it simple for everyone to enter the website and track the package they expect.

    When you know the parcel needs to arrive but you are still anxious to know where it is and how long it will take, you usually get on the tracking platform to know the details. This is why we have created this website, which makes it easy for customers with zero experience in tracking to find the thing they need.

    The tracking process is fast and it is effortless. Though many people think that tracking should be complicated, it is not.

    Alltracking made sure the procedure is easy and anyone could take advantage of it. The only condition is the tracking number that one must have to see the current changes.

    Alltracking is the website that grants you access to all the information that is stored in the system.

    Alltracking websites can be accessed with the requested information just by browsing and clicking on the necessary buttons.

    As Alltracking is available to you at all times, from any part of the world, you can log on and see what you have to know about your package or shipment.

    You can even track up to 50 parcels from the same delivery company – we won’t limit you.

    If you introduce the company’s tracking number that is requested in the tracker field, you will receive detailed information about the parcel and its current status.

    Keep doing it until you see changes – we try to update information on Alltracking daily.

    If you find it difficult to understand where to look for a tracking number or what to do with it – when nothing works even after reading the website’s guide, address your questions to our Customer Service team.

    In case you cannot find the tracking number:

    For those customers who do not know where to find the company’s tracking number, try to remember the method of payment you performed.

    If you paid with cash or credit card – you should have a receipt with the City-Link Express number on it. The confirmation number can also be found in your email if you chose an online payment method.

    But if you introduced the tracking number and the information we have is either the same or absent at all – consider the following:

    There can be multiple variations - the parcel can be: either in transit, delayed, or stuck in customs. This information usually helps the customers to understand when to expect the package and what barriers it may have on the way to the destination.

    Can City-Link Express tracking numbers be found in the global tracking system?

    There is no doubt that the City-Link Express assigns tracking numbers that can be easily identified in the global e-tracking system.

    City-Link Express can give you all the information you need if you introduce its tracking number in the search panel in the Track and Trace section.

    Usually, the tracking numbers assigned by the delivery companies can be tracked by our online platform or any other tracking website.

    You can track City-Link globally via our Alltracking global tracking system, follow the onscreen instructions and you will be able to track as many parcels as you expect, you will find your tracking numbers on items you have purchased online that use a courier.

    The system allows us to monitor the parcel status changes that happen immediately.

    City-Link Express passes the information on and Alltracking offers immediate updates.

    How can I find out where my package is?

    Alltracking is famous for delivering packages and shipments as fast as a delivery company can do it.

    Our online platform has been created for the customer to find updates immediately and it can can answer the questions you have regarding packages and shipments you expect.

    The tracking number is being given to customers so they could track their parcel and see where it is and what status it has.

    Alltracking keeps all the data on the secured server where the information is updated every 24 hours.

    The package information that you require is safely stored with us – the electronic cooperation between City-Link Express and Alltracking website allows our system to show the customers all the last updates and changes of current status.

    Alltracking gives you a wide source of information if you introduce the tracking code into the panel and submit it.

    Our online service only requires the tracking number that you should have after the payment was finalized.

    Alltracking is a secured highly professional method of finding detailed information that you cannot get access to without a special service.

    This tracking packages and shipments website grants the customer the possibility to witness the changes at every step of the way, estimating the delivery at the right time.

    What do I need to do to find the parcel on Alltracking website?

    All the steps you need to perform on our website are simple:
    - enter the postal identifier in the field with the icon,
    - click on the Track the Package button,
    - find out where your package is and its current status.

    The information we provide will include the hub where the package is, the time and date – and most importantly, destination and approximate time it will get there.

    What is a tracking number – City-Link Express?

    City-Link Express informs everyone of all the updates and changes that appear using the tracking number can be used on any tracker platform online.

    Before we get to the actual numbers, we would like to explain to all the customers what they need to look for.

    The tracking number you possess is the most important information you own when it comes to parcel tracking.

    *A tracking number is a specific number assigned to each parcel just before being shipped. This number works as a unique ID code and allows people to follow and track their package till it reaches its destination.

    Every parcel that ever leaves Malaysia to travel to another country or even part of the world is assigned a tracking number.

    With this unique combination of letters and numbers, you can easily find out where the parcel is while in different hubs in various cities and when it will depart to reach the destination.

    Giving each parcel its separate number helps to identify it in the best way possible. The company’s tracking numbers are supposed to help you follow the order through from the departure point to the destination point without any second-guessing or doubts.

    You enter the Track and Trace section, introduce the special combination you have, and have the information displayed to you. This is what an electronic post-global system helps customers do.

    City-Link Number Formats

    City-Link has a standard number format that is typical for the enterprise and its logistics and can be easily tracked on any online tracking platform.

    International shipments and packages are always assigned a tracking number, but even the company’s small packages that travel domestically have tracking numbers as well.

    Some of the small packages requested for domestic delivery may not have them but this is not a typical situation.

    In the structure of the tracking number, by the international UPU format, letters and numbers have a semantic meaning:

    The letters can either indicate the delivery company’s package or can mean the type of delivery -this depends on the parameters of the shipment.

    Usually, the format consists of numbers only, but it can also sometimes include letters.

    What does City-Link Express tracking number look like?

    The city-Link tracking number can depend on the type of delivery one is about to pay for.

    The standard format of the City-Link tracking number is 15 digits.


    Alltracking makes it easy for each customer to find his package in the global system. The tracking number helps to do all the hard work.

    The “Track and Trace” button on the upper panel is where you need to get when you want to find your package on our website.

    Alltracking system is integrated with the global parcel tracking service that can track any goods you send via post from Malaysia with City-Link so when you enter the “Track and Trace” page we will ask you to introduce the unique combination of numbers and letters that you have printed on your receipt or confirmation letter in your email.

    Then enter the given code into the field and click the Track button.

    The next thing you know the information regarding your package or shipment will be displayed on your screen.

    Whether you have any difficulties entering the code or other questions left, feel free to contact our Customer Service team for clarifications.

    The information the online tracking platform has can only be seen with the help of the tracking number.

    Your package information is safe with Alltracking. By using your tracking code you can always find out where the package is even if it takes longer than expected.

    But this section will inform you of the variations that are possible when the information goes missing from our website.

    Let us remind you that you need your tracking number for all the actions on our website.

    With the help of these numbers and letters defined in a unique combination, you can find your parcel even if it is stuck in transit or even damaged.

    The company has a transparent tracking service and the information present on the website is corrected before being completed.

    Most websites will allow you to enter the given number into their Tracking System finder but in case the website does not provide this information directly, you can contact the Customer Service team and request additional details.

    The package you request the information for will be checked by our Customer Service team, who are constantly monitoring all the changes that parcels may come across.

    The status of the parcel depends on the state of the package at the very moment – so if no changes are showing up this can mean the package is possibly delayed or lost.

    If you think this can happen to you, do not hesitate to contact the team for specifications.

    The parcel tracking process is well-balanced and mainly the express delivery company knows how to serve the customers in the best possible manner.

    Alltracking and our colleagues from the Malaysian City-Link offer you the complete tracking information you need to have but only with the condition that you have a tracking number on you in the first place.

    If you are wondering how to find the tracking number and have no clue where to search, read below.

    Track and Trace System in Malaysia

    The tracking system in Malaysia is similar to the Chinese. This means that the principles are the same.

    Today Malaysian delivery companies are well-developed and their professionalism is doubtless. The system is electronic and perfectly processed and monitored by specialists in the domain. This is important because Malaysia and

    China have enormous e-commerce industries.

    Alltracking always uses information technology for our post and freight tracking systems. That is why the parcels that Malaysia and mainly City-Link Express usually send and deliver are easily monitored by us within the global e-system we have access to.

    The Track and Trace system in Malaysia is available for you to access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and Allеracking generously provides the accumulated data from their server database for your convenience. This allows you to witness progress from any part of the world at anytime.

    No worries, everything can be well-handled. But if there is a problem, there surely is a solution too.

    Sometimes it can happen that the package cannot be tracked and renewing the page, or entering your tracking number for the fifth time in a row does not help.

    This can be the result of existing problems and we have to understand what happened.

    From an insignificant delay to the parcel being lost - we have to exclude each variant step by step.

    There can be numerous reasons for the non-trackage of the parcel you need information for.

    But before any panic starts, customers are advised to consider it being stuck in transit. This means that the status of the package has not moved in a long time and there is no news that the tracking website can share.

    After any significant changes take place, the status of the parcel will be updated accordingly. But if you do not see it straight away, do not consider the package lost – it can just be delayed.

    Rarely but it is still possible that the package or shipment won’t reach its final destination.

    And the best way to find out where the package is is to contact the team and ask for more details that can be helpful.

    As the company is super professional and operates for multiples years we have to inform you that these cases are rare. But still, 100% of cases cannot be successful. It can happen that the parcel never arrived in Malaysia.

    There can be a few reasons for it. Sometimes the parcel can get lost on the way to the final destination. These cases are practically a part of an exception but people still need to be informed.

    In case this happens think to contact the representatives of the City-Link Express team for further assistance.

    The investigation will need to take place and the company will take the responsibility of offering you a solution. The company must offer you answers and inform you of all the details.

    The complaints, appraisals, suggestions, and tracking number information requests can all be submitted.

    No panic if the package is still missing – either it will be found or you will get a refund. In both cases, you have to wait first and then follow the instructions given by the Customer Service team.

    Do not hesitate to contact them.

    The complaints from the customers have fallen into several categories.

    1) Tracked packages that did not reach the destination

    The situations may differ from one case to another. At times the fault belongs to the company. Sometimes the customer is to blame.

    If you printed the wrong address on the shipping label, didn't include a return address, or poorly packaged the item, City-Link cannot be held responsible for it. In most of the other cases, the company will investigate the case and refund you.

    2) Damaged tracked parcels

    If the item arrives damaged, the first thing you need to do is get in contact with the seller as soon as possible. (this is for those who purchased an item online that was later on sent with City-Link).

    The seller will discuss the issue with City-Link Express. In this case, the seller is responsible for the condition of the items when you receive them.

    If the item is damaged you can enclose pictures, and put it all in writing, ideally in an email that you need to send to the seller. The seller then will investigate what happened and offer you a practical solution.

    3) Confiscated tracked items

    City-Link Express delivery may still be delayed for reasons beyond its control. For example: if the package is about to get to Malaysia from overseas, the customs are usually strict and check the parcels for unwanted prohibited goods.

    There are some restrictions that the customer has to know of. If the package contains products that cannot enter the destination country – the access will be denied.

    Particular products or groups of goods can be denied access - explosives, counterfeit goods, valuable antiques, things of an immoral nature, etc.

    To send a claim, use one of the following ways to communicate:

    Telephone number: + country code 603-5033-3800

    Email: [email protected]

    Ground information about City-Link Express

    City-Link is a Malaysian transport and logistics company, created by Dato' David Tan. The company currently offers a wide range of logistics and freight transport services both at home and abroad, including Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong.

    The company has branches in different countries, which allows it to expand its business outside of Malaysia and offer services abroad.

    Branches and locations

    The company has over 1500 employees and is present in many countries outside Malaysia through its local subsidiaries. It has branches in China and Thailand.

    The history of City Link Express

    This postal service began its existence in 1979, during this period it managed to develop into a large courier company and receive many serious awards and prizes. The main advantage of the company is its desire to constantly improve the quality of its services, and expand and modernize them for the convenience of its customers.

    Interesting facts about City Link Express
    - The successful operation of City-Link Express allowed the company to quickly expand beyond the borders of Malaysia and start working in Singapore, Indonesia, China, Thailand and other countries. City-Link Express pays special attention to the quality of services provided, as well as their development and modernization. This work has been recognized with many awards including the Super Golden Buli, the Brandlaureate Masters Awards, the Asia Pacific

    Top Entrepreneur Award and many more.
    - The shipping cost may be a little expensive compared to other companies. This is because the company charges extra for fuel and package distribution.

    In the domestic market and the Asian market, the average shipping cost can reach $8.

    To other destinations in Latin America, North America, Europe, or the Middle East, the average shipping cost may exceed $15.
    - The operational infrastructure allows deliveries to more than 200 countries of the world. City Link can cover countries in Europe and Latin America, and even countries like the USA.

    City-Link Express Customer Service:
    Telephone number: + country code 603-5565-8399
    Email: [email protected]

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