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    139Express is part of 139Group, a logistics expert in China, whose main activity is international express delivery.

    With many years of experience in the field of logistics, 139Group strives to improve the quality of services provided and the efficiency of staff to provide customers with better services.

    139Express tracking packages and shipments

    All the shipments, packages, and delivery items from 139Express are tracked due to the presence of a registration number. Each parcel has a code that is assigned to it by the sender.

    Alltracking made sure all the packages and shipments marked 139Express could be identified on the website no matter where they were.

    You can easily track any postal shipment with the Alltracking website which guarantees you straightforward information about your package.

    When 139Express takes care of customers’ parcels and sends them overseas, the tracking number is always assigned for everyone’s convenience.

    Our Alltracking website surely will offer you trustworthy information related to shipments and packages when you enter a tracking number on our online platform.

    Alltracking.com will do the job of providing the information regarding your delivery by visiting our website, introducing the tracking number, and connecting to the world's database.

    With Alltracking.com the service is less complicated because there is no need to log in or enter any personal information about your package as the platform has a built-in automatic recognition system that determines which courier your tracking number belongs to.

    The information you want to receive will be automatically displayed on your screen.

    You will get the location and the status of your parcel immediately not needing to take any difficult steps.

    What do I need to enter to track the parcel?

    When one wants to track a package with Alltracking, the customer can rely only on the most recent information the system has. This includes the latest updates and the current hub the package is in.

    It is a must to have a tracking number that you can introduce to see the latest updates on the website.

    To make sure everyone understands what our website is for we want our customers to know that every activity we perform is for the sake of the customer who is always our number one priority.

    Alltracking created the website in a way that the customers could find it easy to enter and track as many parcels as they need to.

    All the information you need to offer on our website to get the status of your parcel and the location is a tracking number.

    Alltracking can track packages and shipments on its website with the help of this combination of characters.

    If you introduce the company’s tracking number that is requested in the tracker field, you will receive detailed information about the parcel and its current status.

    Just like it was mentioned above, the tracking code is everything you need at this point.

    For those customers who do not know where to find the company’s tracking number, try to remember the method of payment you performed.

    If you paid with cash or credit card – you should have a receipt with the tracking number on it. The confirmation number can also be found in your email if you choose an online payment method.

    The tracking number will give you an understanding of where the packaging is at this very moment.

    For example, the parcel can be: either in transit, delayed, or stuck in customs. This information usually helps the customers understand when to expect the package and what barriers it may have on the way to the destination.

    Can 139Express tracking numbers be found in the global tracking system?

    139Express is a company that is famous for offering the most reliable and comfortable conditions for customers who need to know when to estimate the delivery and how to get the status checked.

    You can track 139Express globally via our Alltracking global tracking system, follow the onscreen instructions and you will be able to track as many parcels as you expect, you will find your tracking numbers on items you have purchased online that use a courier.

    As 139Express is the company that gained customers attention and respect we are more than excited to be able to track their packages and shipments on our website.

    Tracking a 139Express package is easy and convenient. Through our website, customers can track their shipments and see how the parcel status changes.

    To do this, simply click on the ""Track and Trace"" option at the top of the page. A tracking number will be provided, which can then be entered into the tracking tool to get an up-to-date status on their shipment's location.

    How can I find out where my package is?

    139Express is a logistics company, that is famous for offering the most reliable and comfortable conditions for customers who need to know when to estimate the delivery and how to get the status checked.

    You can track 139Express globally via our Alltracking global tracking system, follow the onscreen instructions and you will be able to track as many parcels as you expect, you will find your tracking numbers on items you have purchased online that use a courier.

    As 139Express is the company that gained customers attention and respect we are more than excited to be able to track their packages and shipments on our website.

    Tracking a 139Express package is easy and convenient. Through our website, customers can track their shipments and see how the parcel status changes.

    To do this, simply click on the ""Track and Trace"" option at the top of the page. A tracking number will be provided, which can then be entered into the tracking tool to get an up-to-date status on their shipment's location.

    What do I need to do to find the parcel on Alltracking website?

    All the steps you need to perform on our website are simple:
    - enter the postal identifier in the field with the icon,
    - click on the Track the Package button,
    - find out where your package is and its current status.

    The information we provide will include the hub where the package is, the time and date – and most importantly, the destination and approximate time it will get there.

    What is a tracking number – 139Express?

    139Express is the company that assigns a tracking number to all the packages that it sends to customers, especially those related to e-commerce.

    Whether you need to track one parcel or many the procedure is similar to all the tracking activities all around the world. You have to click on the Track and Trace panel and introduce your special code.

    You can track any 139Express package or shipment on Alltracking.com only having a tracking number.

    *A tracking number is a specific number assigned to each parcel just before it is shipped. This number works as a unique ID code and allows people to follow and track their package till it reaches its destination.

    With this unique combination of letters and numbers, you can easily find out where the parcel is while in different hubs in various cities and when it will depart to reach the destination.

    Giving each parcel its separate number helps to identify it in the best way possible.

    The company’s tracking numbers are meant to help you follow the order through from the departure point to the destination point without any second-guessing and doubts.

    You enter the Track and Trace section, introduce the special combination you have, and have the information displayed to you. This is what an electronic post-global system helps customers do.

    139Express Tracking Number Formats

    139Express tracking numbers format resembles other global tracking number formats, consisting of several unique characters.

    To track a parcel online, the system will ask you to introduce the tracking number you were given upon the parcel registration.

    This number is yours and does not coincide with any other tracking number out there.

    The format of the 139Express tracking number is typically a combination of numbers.

    The exact format of the tracking number can vary depending on the shipping service used by the customer and the location where the package was shipped.

    Customers can contact 139Express customer service if they have any questions about the format of their tracking number.

    What does 139Express tracking number look like?

    139Express always assigns a tracking number to shipments and parcels that are related to international deliveries, and most of the time it offers a tracking number for local packages too.

    A single tracking number format for registered international mail has been approved.

    The most common tracking number format is with the letter “K” or “J” followed by 12 digits.

    K 6785 4455 6789
    J 1112 4567 8888

    Other, less popular formats could exist:
    OTN## *** *** *** * YQ
    # - letter; * - digit; ! - letter or digit
    OTNRT 678 666 543 1 YQ

    *A tracking number is a specific number assigned to each parcel just before it is shipped. This number works as a unique ID code and allows people to follow and track their package all the way.

    Alltracking is an online platform that offers details on packages and shipments the customers send.

    There is no trouble getting information tracked and traced on our website.

    Alltracking is the easiest website for information seekers. We created our website in a way that anyone could easily understand.

    If you enter the main page of the Alltracking website you will see the upper panel with a few buttons to click on.

    The “Track and Trace” button on the upper panel is where you need to get when you want to find your package on our website.

    Alltracking system is integrated with the global parcel tracking service that can track any goods you send with 139Express so when you enter the “Track and Trace” page we will ask you to introduce the unique combination numbers that you have printed on your receipt or confirmation letter in your email.

    Then enter the given code into the field and click the Track button.

    Whether you have any difficulties entering the code or other questions, feel free to contact our Customer Service team for clarifications.

    139Express always matches the company’s set standards and customers’ expectations.

    Alltracking can assure you that almost 100% of delayed packages and shipments eventually get delivered.

    Alltracking makes sure the customers know they have to check the Track and Trace button and see if the information there is what they have to know about the parcel.

    It is not difficult to track and trace your package with the help of Alltracking an electronic tracking system.

    You are one step away from the information on the status and location of your parcel. But you need a tracking number for it. Find it on your paper receipt or in your email confirmation.

    The most important combination of digits and letters you possess is everything you need to have to know where your parcel is.

    139Express has a transparent tracking service and the information present on the website is corrected before being completed. 

    Most websites will allow you to enter the given number into their Tracking System finder but in case the website does not provide this information directly, you can contact the Customer Service team and request additional details.

    The package you request the information for will be checked by our Customer Service team who are constantly monitoring all the changes that take place.

    The Local or International Tracking department deals with lost/delayed or damaged packages.

    If you think this can happen to you, do not hesitate to contact the team for specifications.

    If you are wondering how to find the tracking number and have no clue where to search, read below. The website is easy to understand and follow.

    Track and Trace System in China/Russia

    139Express has a typical delivery approach known globally, where the customer gets packages (from small to big) sent as soon as the payment method is completed.

    All packages and shipments in 139Express are usually monitored within the system.

    139Express uses specific post technologies to give the customers access to the data that is associated with the packages and shipments that customers have unique tracking codes for.

    This industry-specific and user-friendly information technology is for our post and freight tracking systems. That is why the parcels that 139Express  tracks are easy to monitor anywhere in the world.

    139Express is a great logistics partner for any tracking website because it is:
     - A part of a reliable online global tracking system that is available 24/7
     - Has integrated electronic invoices and statements
     - Offers access to comprehensive reports as required by tracking websites to offer customers appropriate information.

    139Express’ Track and Trace system is available for you to access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and Alltracking generously provides the accumulated data from the 139Express database for your convenience.

    This allows you to monitor the progress of any time of order to delivery end.

    Do not hesitate to take advantage of the capabilities the system offers.

    139Express has a dedicated customer service team that is available to assist customers with their shipping needs.

    Customers can contact 139Express Customer Service for assistance with scheduling a pickup, tracking a package, making a delivery change, or for any other shipping-related inquiry.

    139Express is a reliable and efficient courier and logistics company that provides a wide range of services to meet the needs of its customers. 

    139Express also offers customer service to assist customers with their shipping needs. 

    With 139Express, customers can be sure that their package is delivered on time and in good condition.

    If delays happen, there must be a good enough reason for them. Still, the company always tries to be on time with everything they do.

    Delays can be caused by various reasons – from the slow performance of the staff to the wrong address that cannot be found without any additional information.

    There can be numerous reasons for the non-trackage of the parcel you need information for. But before any panic starts, customers are advised to consider it being stuck in transit. This means that the status of the package has not moved in a long time and there is no news that the tracking website can share.

    After any significant changes happen, the parcel status will change. But if you do not see it immediately do not think the package is lost – it can just be temporarily delayed.

    If you think your parcel is lost and there are objective reasons to believe it – the 139Express Customer Service team will sort it out for you.

    Although there are several cases when 139Express can justify the delay and explain it, the reason why it happens usually lies on the surface.

    From time to time the “missing parcel” issue happens to anyone. 139Express is usually very attentive and caring, going the extra mile for the customers to be satisfied but 100% of cases simply cannot always be successful.

    The parcel may be lost on the way to the final destination. These cases are rare but they do exist.

    If this happens, contact the 139Express Customer Service team for further assistance. 

    The investigation will need to start and the company will take the responsibility of offering you a solution. Please note that you will be asked to offer information that will help to investigate the case.

    It usually takes up to 48 hours to get a response from the Customer Service team. The complaints, appraisals, suggestions, and tracking number information requests can all be submitted. But the lost parcel is not the only possible variant here. The parcel can also be stuck in transit, the goods can be stuck at customs, and delayed for any reason at all.

    The Customer Service team will be able to provide you with all the answers you need.

    Keep an eye on their reply.

    Your claims can make a difference - this is what 139Express believes in and how tries to treat every claim it gets.

    Whether you want to complain or have any suggestions, you are free to contact the Customer Service team at 139Express.

    General claims:  
      - Claims are accepted within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the parcel; if this period is exceeded, 139Express will not consider claims sent after the deadline. The email with the claim must contain a scan of the receipt or receipt of receipt of the parcel and photographs of the parcel.
     - 139Express is not responsible for paying compensation if the recipient refuses to receive the parcel.
     - In case the parcel was damaged during delivery by the courier, a certificate or confirmation that the parcel was damaged during delivery by the courier.

    Denial of responsibility

    139Express is not responsible for damage caused by reasons beyond 139Express's control and beyond the control of 139Express. These reasons include, but are not limited to:
     - defects or defects in the shipment (regardless of whether this is known to 139Express or not),
     - actions of third parties who are not employees who are not in a contractual relationship with 139Express, for example, senders, recipients, customs authorities or other government agencies.
     - partial or complete loss and damage to cargo under force majeure circumstances, that is, force majeure circumstances (natural disasters, strikes, military operations, riots, strikes, plane crashes, as well as actions and decisions of government bodies).

    To submit a claim for a lost, damaged or prohibited parcel, please send a letter to this email address: [email protected] or dial 8-800-775-63-96 to contact the Customer Service team hotline.

    Ground information about 139Express

    139 Express specializes in sending parcels from China to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.

    The company's many years of experience in the field of express delivery allows us to provide high-quality service to customers.

    The company’s services include:
    - packing and repacking of parcels,
    - consolidation of parcels,
    - tracking the location of the parcel,
    - customs clearance of parcels,
    - provision of insurance, compensation,
    - cost optimization and preliminary calculation of delivery costs

    Branches and locations

    The head office of 139 Express is located in the capital of China - Beijing, and also has a representative office in Guangzhou.

    The company has representative offices in Moscow, Kyiv, Bishkek, Almaty

    The History of 139Express:

    139Express (Beijing) was founded in July 2007, is part of the 139Group, and is also a member of the Beijing Express Association.

    The 139 Group company is registered in Hong Kong and has 3 divisions: 139Express LLC, 139 Transport and Logistics Company LLC (Beijing), and 139 Packaging Center in Beijing. 139Express LLC and 139 Transport and Logistics

    Company LLC (Beijing) are approved as cargo transportation agents by the China Air Transport Association (CATA), and are also registered with the Ministry of Commerce as an international freight forwarding agency, shipping and logistics company. 139Express LLC has an international express delivery service license issued by the National Postal Administration of China, as well as a domestic and overseas express delivery service license issued by the

    Beijing Postal Administration.

    Interesting facts about 139Express:
    - The President of the company 139Group is Huang Qing Hong.
    - One of the company’s services is the delivery to the pick-up point.

    The recipient chooses the address at which it is convenient for them to receive the order, and comes and picks it up at a time convenient for them. This service is available to recipients from Russia and Ukraine. In Kazakhstan, pickup is available only for the city of Almaty, in Kyrgyzstan - for the city of Bishkek.

    139Express Customer Service:
    Phone Number: +861085629099, +864000666139
    Email address: [email protected]

    Barcodes checked: 0/0

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