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    BRT Bartolini is an Italian company in the field of freight transport and logistics.

    The company has been mostly (85% out of 100%) controlled by Le Groupe La Poste through DPD since 2019. The company offers delivery services by road and air transport, in cooperation with foreign networks.

    BRT Bartolini has enough experience to stand in the same line with some of the best express delivery companies and be a worthy competitor. The enterprise offers fast last-mile delivery options and affordable prices.

    BRT Bartolini tracking packages and shipments

    BRT Bartolini has a reputation as an express delivery company with a high customer satisfaction rating. This is due to the company’s ability to provide postal and logistics services fast and relatively cheaply.

    BRT Bartolini’s tracking packages and shipment capabilities are impressive. The company suggests solutions that are mind-blowing, giving the customers options to choose from (logistics and postal).

    The company has a well-integrated tracking system allowing the customers to experience a fast and reliable service that influences the logistics industry

    Taking into consideration all the pros and cons of the postal business (as well as the strongest sides of logistics and the postal industry)the company stays the best in this professional activity.

    BRT Bartolini can be considered another DPD branch and is famous in the territory of Italy for tracking packages and shipments that travel internationally and cross borders to reach their destination.

    For the parcel identification process, any customer has to own a tracking number that includes the numbers and letters recognized by the global e-tracking system.

    BRT Bartolini is well-known for making the correct decisions based on customers' needs and preferences regarding all postal and logistics aspects.

    The famous DPD group has a vivid knowledge of the logistics and postal market, which means the enterprise can provide tailored local and universal solutions and any professional service, more customer-oriented than the other companies can offer.

    The tracking process is quite simple. Dealing with international shipments is very simple with our universal parcel tracking.

    Please enter your unique BRT Bartolini code into the search box in the Track and Trace section and press the “Track” button.

    What do I need to enter to track the parcel?

    BRT Bartolini is a company that allows customers to track packages and shipments of any kind no matter where they need to get and where you check the information from.

    The company assigns tracking numbers that can be identified in the global system with the help of a certain combination of characters.

    When any customer wants to track their package or shipment on our website, the main criterion is having enough information that allows the system to reveal the details available in it.

    Alltracking is our online platform that allows tracking and tracing of the customers’ belongings sent to any corner of the world from the country of dispatch.

    The parcel tracking process is standard everywhere in the world and is well-known by many people, who deal with order tracking daily.

    BRT Bartolini can top some of the best delivery companies in the country with amazing service possibilities.

    Though the process seems standard, some people who have never dealt with it before can be slightly confused not knowing how to introduce the existing information and what to do with the information they own.

    Alltracking insists the procedure is effortless, as the website will guide you through the whole process, making it an easy task for everyone involved.

    Alltracking is transparent and the steps you need to take will be described at each stage of your activity on the website.

    The parcel can be tracked on this website with the help of a tracker panel that automatically redirects all the information to you and displays it on the screen.

    As Alltracking is the e-tracking source that processes data 24/7, you can rely on the information to be up-to-date.

    If you happen to introduce the tracking number that is requested in the tracker field, you will receive detailed information about the parcel and its current status.

    This status is automatically changed when the package is headed to another location.

    For those customers who do not know where to find the BRT Bartolini tracking number, try to remember the method of payment you performed.

    If you have a receipt, consider finding the number on it. You can also find the tracking number in your email.

    This tracking number is the secret combination of letters and digits given to you to receive so much wanted notification related to your parcel.

    But the status of the parcel can change from time to time.

    If you happen to not see any significant changes do not panic and wait until the information is updated.

    For example, the parcel can be: either in transit, delayed, or stuck in customs.

    If this does happen, please try to contact the Customer Service team before making any conclusions.

    Can BRT Bartolini track numbers be found in the global tracking system?

    BRT Bartolini tracking numbers can help customers identify the package location and approximate delivery time.

    The delivery company assigns tracking numbers and they can be identified by the universal tracking system.

    Being a significant part of the system that the postal data is collected and finding itself as one of the most influential postal and logistics enterprises in the region help BRT Bartolini meet all the requirements concerning the activity DPD branches need to perform to stay on the top of the postal and logistics list in every country they are present in.

    As a part of the e-tracking global system tracking numbers related to packages and shipments assigned by BRT Bartolini guarantee you detailed information and the current location of the customer's belongings. The existing status changes are easily tracked too.

    If you expect more than one shipment, you can check for up to 50 with the help of the panel tracker where you will be asked to introduce the letters and digits that the system recognizes.

    The e-tracking global system can identify the unique code DPD group (BRT Bartolini in this case) assigns.

    With the help of the assigned track number DPD group’s postal items can be found anywhere.

    If you chose to get the information today, please follow the onscreen instructions on the Alltracking website and you will be able to track as many parcels as you expect.

    The global tracking system is almost flawless and grants the customers information that you can access within one click.

    How can I find out where my package is?

    When our customers find us, it is usually about their curiosity to find their package or shipment and get the updates.

    Every tracker platform that has access to the system where the data is stored has to be able to get the latest updates from the sender company.

    Even though many customers already know how to track and trace the goods, every time you plan to use a different platform seems like a brand new experience.

    Alltracking will inform you about all the recent changes, offering the latest information directly from the courier company.

    With a website like Alltracking where all the information is available to you on each page, you feel more than protected. Alltracking Customer Service team is also available to answer your questions when you have them.

    Alltracking allows any customer that joins the website to find the parcel on the website having just a tracking number.

    The service on our website gives customers a secure possibility to see where the package or shipment is at the moment.

    The hub and the status of the parcel will be shown introducing the tracking assigned by BRT Bartolini.

    In the case of non-disclosure, when the details about the parcel are not shown, consider contacting the company’s Customer Service team representative for additional information.

    If the parcel is still missing after a few days, give the Customer Service team the tracking information you have and wait for the investigation.

    Alltracking is the website that provides all the necessary information immediately. Remember that all the package and shipment details are available to you in just one click.

    Get the code from your receipt whether it is saved in a paper form or is kept in your email, enter it into the panel, and click the button.

    Highly professional and strictly confidential – these are the right words to describe Alltracking system as a part of the global tracking platform.

    If you want to know when to expect the parcel and the estimated delivery time, you can easily find it with the help of Alltracking.

    Alltracking is an ideal information-detecting method for parcel and shipment identification which is available to those presenting the BRT Bartolini tracking code.

    Do not keep yourself away from the details we own on your parcel.

    What do I need to do to find the parcel on Alltracking website?

    The parcel tracking process is directed at customers who are impatient to find out where the shipment is. Usually people want to know how long it will take for their package to get to the destnation.

    When one has already decided the parcel needs to be found on one of the popular online tracker platforms, they have to make sure they have the paper receipt or still have the confirmation letter in the email with the necessary information.

    This information will include the unique code that the package or shipment has been given upon the package registration process. This number is the most important information any customer has.

    What can Alltracking help you with?

    Once you enter the Alltracking website you will get to notice that the main page has an upper panel where all the necessary information departments can be seen.

    At every stage, the routine will be rather simple and will not require any step that customers may consider complicated.

    As Alltracking is a tracking platform for customers supported by the global post industry, the information in the system is processed with lightning speed.

    Performing 3 easy steps usually helps the customer see the most relevant information.

    What steps does one need to take to get parcel information from us?

    First of all, one has to get the identification number (customer’s unique tracking code) written on the receipt, received upon the payment process.

    Secondly, you have to introduce the special combination of letters and digits into the field, entering the “Track and Trace” department on the upper panel.

    When this step is performed, please click the “track” button to finalize the process.

    Then you will get access to the data, check the status of the parcel and know the process of checking the updates, whenever you need to check the details.

    Usually, the website will show you the hub where the parcel or shipment is at.

    If you have zero information displayed or the information has not been updated for some time, consider contacting the Customer Service team.

    What is a tracking number – BRT Bartolini?

    BRT Bartolini is a company that customers can rely on and trust to have their packages and shipments delivered on time.

    The company makes sure the tracking numbers are assigned whenever the package or shipment leaves the country to travel to a different destination outside the country. When it comes to private express delivery companies, the packages that travel locally, can also be given tracking numbers but this usually depends on the type of package or the type of delivery requested by the customer.

    In Italy, DPD group (BRT Bartolini as its representative) is famous for being one of the most reliable postal services, with a delivery success rate close to 100%. This percentage rate means almost 100% of customers ranked the company high after exploring all of its benefits.

    Tracking numbers (also known as the unique code) are the key to the secret package information that is kept in the electronic system and is updated from time to time when changes happen.

    Getting the tracking number that you can enter into the tracker field is the only effort you have to make when you decide to track any parcel.

    The tracking number always stays with you. It is not and will never be changed during the process of delivery.

    BRT Bartolini insists all international packages and shipments can be tracked either by the company itself or by the tracker website such as Alltracking, you choose how to track and trace them.

    *A tracking number is a unique combination of characters given to the parcel and the sender when the payment process is finalized.

    BRT Bartolini Tracking Number Formats

    BRT Bartolini is a part of the DPD group, also known as the worldwide express delivery company with a high customer satisfaction rating.

    The company’s packages have tracking numbers that resemble the standard DPD tracking numbers format.

    When you want to check the tracking number, you usually have it written on your paper receipt that you must keep until the package safely arrives at its final destination.

    The DPD tracking number format consists of up to 14 digits. Usually, it is a long number that consists of certain digits placed in their order.

    The number combination is always different. Therefore, there are millions of variations. tracks DPD group’s packages and shipments no matter what part of the world you are in, despite the time zone and the location you are currently at.

    The failure to introduce the correct tracking number will lead to the absence of information available to you.

    The system will ask you to introduce the tracking number and nothing else. If you want to mention the time and date, access to the information will not be possible.

    So in case you do not have the receipt or the number, the only way to try to sort the situation out is to contact the Customer Service team for clarifications.

    If you do not have it or think the number format you have written on your receipt is different from what the system asks you, contact the Customer Support team for additional details.

    What does BRT Bartolini tracking number look like?

    BRT Bartolini is a significant part of DPD group since 2019, which is a world-known express delivery union. All DPD tracking numbers can depend on the type of delivery one is about to pay for.

    The DPD number format is composed of a 12-digit or 14-digit sequence but may vary from time to time.

    An example of a DPD tracking number, 0001 2345 6789 can be a standard DPD number.

    *A tracking number is a specific number assigned to each parcel just before being shipped. This number works as a unique ID code and allows people to follow and track their package all the way.

    The “Track and Trace” button on the upper panel is where you need to get when you want to find your package on our website.

    Alltracking system is integrated with the global parcel tracking service that can track any goods you send via post from Italy or to Italy with BRT Bartolini so when you enter the “Track and Trace” page we will ask you to introduce the unique combination of digits and letters that you have printed on your receipt or confirmation letter in your email.

    Then enter the given code into the field and click the Track button.

    The next thing you know the information regarding your package or shipment will be displayed on your screen.

    Whether you have any difficulties entering the code or other questions left, feel free to contact our Customer Service team for clarifications.

    Alltracking is all about the information that passes on from the main source to the customer. We just want to make it as easy as possible for everyone.

    When our customers want to find out the latest updates – they enter the tracking code and see the information the system has available for acknowledgment.

    When the express delivery company is reliable and has a good attitude towards each customer who walks in or orders online – there is very little chance of any problems appearing on the way.

    BRT Bartolini is the company that you can always relay to when you want your package or shipment to be delivered securely and within a couple of working days to any destination in the world.

    As express delivery companies always assign a unique tracking number to most packages and shipments, most of them have a good reputation for giving access for customers to track and trace any shipment that is sent or delivered.

    Alltracking, in its turn, will update you with the most recent information if you introduce the tracking code into the tracker field.

    The combination of characters (the tracking number) makes the package a unique item that travels the world with its identification number.

    This tracking number can get you further with the information and offer you the details you would not have access to without the number.

    The Customer Service team usually monitors all the updates as it is important to know the changes and see the most recent updates of the information in the system.

    The company has a Department for lost/delayed or damaged packages. If you think your item may be lost, contact the BRT Bartolini Customer Service team first.

    BRT Bartolini has a great parcel tracking system that allows the introduction of the numbers and receiving information regarding the location and the approximate delivery time of the parcel's arrival.

    The “Track and Trace” system is easily understandable everywhere in the world but private express delivery companies always make sure they are one step ahead.

    Every step of the way in the delivery process is monitored and displayed for the customer's convenience by a team of professionals who update the information with the changes.

    You see these notifications as soon as they appear.

    Track and Trace System in Italy

    Italy is well-developed in multiple ways. The postal and logistics services in the country are on an impressively high level. The Track and Trace system in the country is similar to those of other countries in the world. The principles are the same.

    European companies offer package or shipment information to their customers that can later be used to estimate the approximate delivery time.

    The Track and Trace system is rather simple but together with this it allows to check the parcel and its status no matter where it is and what current status is applied to it.

    For example, it can be the following:

    The company delays: When the company is experiencing delays due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, it can be considered a reasonable delay.

    Incorrect address: Your package features the wrong address, and DPD is trying to find it.

    It's also possible that the seller underestimated the sending time.

    If your BRT Bartolini package is still in transit, don't worry! It's likely on its way and will arrive soon.

    However, if you're concerned about the status of your package, you can always contact the company for additional information.

    When there is no information available, customers become worried. The system only offers updates when packages or shipments move from one place to another.

    In certain situations the parcel can stay untracked but this usually changes fast.

    But to understand what to do with it, we can explain what “ stuck in transit” really means.

    Usually, if the status of the package has not been updated, there will be no news that the tracking website can share with you.

    After any changes take place, the parcel status is updated accordingly and displayed on your screen.

    The Customer Support team should be able to offer you a report and estimate the approximate delivery time.

    BRT Bartolini makes a part of the famous DPD group since 2019. The company has transformed into a more confident enterprise, offering its customers services that can satisfy the customer's intention to learn more and get the latest updates.

    In case the package information is missing from the system, the customer has to understand the main obstacles that can take place.

    Generally, the information missing from the system does not mean the parcel is lost. But it can happen too.

    Italy is a country that has a very high parcel delivery rating. Almost 100% of the cases are successful. But from time to time, unpleasant things happen. It does not depend on anything but particular circumstances. They can take place from time to time.

    If you think this may be your case, please consider submitting a claim and asking for an investigation.

    But before you do this - the first and most important step to take is to wait some time for the details to be uploaded.

    If there is still no progress and the status does not change, offer the Customer Service team the tracking number for them to see what the problem is.

    Most of the time it got delayed somewhere and as soon as something changes the updates will be shown.

    If the delivery status of your package remains unclear, be sure to inform the Customer Service team and ask your questions to receive answers.

    When contacting customer service, you will be asked to provide the tracking number from the receipt and, if possible, an accurate and detailed description of the goods and packaging.

    Most likely all the distribution centers will be checked to understand if the shipment address is incorrect or if the packaging got damaged or lost on the way.

    If the package is not in one of our distribution centers, then the Service team will continue the search to find out where things went wrong.

    What we know about claims is that they are used as engines to move forward. Claims are a part of the most important process – the company’s improvement. No progress is possible without mistakes, complaints, or failure.

    Though the company tries to prevent these things from happening, claims are just a part of the routine that the company sometimes has to deal with.

    BRT Bartolini is a reliable company that can solve all the claims and figures out the solution for all the categories of misfortunate cases.

    If you have received a damaged parcel, contact the sender within the first few days after the package arrived and send photos of the damaged packaging and its content of it. There is a link on the website to fill in the official form for damaged items.

    Please also contact the sender in the following cases so they can start an investigation.

    If you are the sender, initiate the start of an investigation using the online form below. In case of damage, your complaint has to be submitted within the first couple of days.

    Please submit all your claims using the official website of the company. Fill in the claim on the website and wait for the reply from the team.

    Ground information about BRT Bartolini

    BRT Bartolini is an Italian transport company that offers national and international delivery services for all types of packages, with different options. The Italian service for national deliveries offers delivery for individuals, professionals, shops and large retailers.

    Branches and locations

    There are at least 200 branches of BRT Bartolini throughout Italy. This company provides international services for the delivery of postal items and letters. Often the company cooperates with other international corporations, quite often FedEx acts as a partner.

    The history of BRT Bartolini

    This corporation and this is the status it has today, was founded in 1928 in the city of Bologna. Since then, she has been actively engaged in cargo transportation and urgent deliveries of cargo. It was express delivery that became the main activity of this postal service. The company has an excellent reputation and is in great demand among customers.

    Today the company is being operated by DPD group as well as Euroexpress for some deliveries in Europe.

    Interesting facts about BRT Bartolini

    - The company is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified.
    - Brt Bartolini was founded in 1928 in Bologna, originally under the name BARTOLINI. It took the name Brt in 2011.

    BRT Bartolini Customer Service:

    Telephone number: country code + 025087411
    Email: [email protected], [email protected]
    File on a claim:*1k2dpa8*_ga*MTU3MDIwNjk3MS4xNjgyNjAzMDQ4*_ga_Q3RB6RNZ25*MTY4MjYzMDM4NS4zLjEuMTY4MjYzMDM5NC41MS4wLjA.

    Barcodes checked: 0/0

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